: : Dead meat : :

Now I understand why Aaron is hooked onto World of Warcraft.

With most people watching the FIFA matches late at night, the streamyx connection is blazing. Even this morning, it was quite a speedy connection. Got the WoW Trial download 2.7 GB by this Sunday morning from Fileplanet and updated and installed a few hours later.

I started out as a Night Elven Druid and ended up in a forest with music similar to Neverwinter Nights. It’s uncannily identical, or nearly there. The songs and graphics are amazing. And even though the characters are cartoonish, it’s still not too bad.

Plus, the game is abled to be played on my old heap of a PC and an old graphics card. Old as in a 32MB NVIDIA card. Well, the graphics aren’t as smooth as it could have been but oh well. Still costs too much to upgrade this computer so I think I’ll wait a bit longer.

BTW, PC fair in Kuching during end June. Ho Hum. ^_^

: : Fixing an old problem : :

Today, I went with Fish Fish to her masseur. Believe me, he was good but here’s the following conversation.

S : Aiya! Your back is terrible! Here *poke!* and here *poke!*!! Too much air inside. Your shoulder is not the major problem. It’s your back. Plus your legs.

Wena : *Panting from aches* Ah ok…can fix or not?

S : Can can. You come see me once a week for another 3-4 more weeks than we see how. A lot of blood not circulating well. Bad bad. You sit too long at night playing games?

Wena : *Gulp!* Errr…yeah?

S : That is no good! Bad circulation for the leg. You come next week and we do again.

Wena : Ok.

It went on with massaging problem areas and even though I was achy afterwards, the muscles were surprising relax. I also had occasional pins and needles but this was not painful, just ticklist. He mentioned that it was the blood circulating.

Wena : Wah! I feel good!

Fish Fish : Yeah but when he does his serious treatment, maybe cannot walk for awhile. My Mum couldn’t walk for 2 days. After that, she could walk.

Wena : *Gulp*… OK.

So, I’m in for the long-run. Let’s see how’s the outcome. Massage is the traditional cure here for aches and pains. Plus, this chap may be young but he does know his stuff, being taught by a Master since he was 7 years old. Now that’s a very long time to learn about massage.

Next week, let’s see if I can walk. The nerves that are trapped from my prolapsed disc will be release and my blood circulation may improve.

: : Blog-free day : :

Well, not today but last Friday. It was so nice just not to take photos at all and write about something. When you’ve been doing it for so long (can’t believe it’s coming to 3 years), having a break is always a pleasure.

I met up with Fish Fish, Miracle8, Wilson and Kris for some food and we went traipsing all over Kuching for it. Here is Miracle8’s posting about the meeting. The food is lovely.

Actually, I can’t post anything up because I didn’t take any pictures except for the Carrot-Green-Apple-Papaya juice drink at AHA Lounge. Ah well.

Oh, if you’re wondering what’s I’ve been doing, I’ve been busy blogging about two games over at Gamersinfo.net. I use a pseudonym known as Myremi and am currently playing two games. One is FlyFF (which I did mention about a month ago) and another one is ROSE Online. Note that for ROSE, there is a Phillipine, Korea and EU server. FlyFF also have the same, as well as a separate China and Taiwan servers. FlyFF is free to play but ROSE, you have to pay.

Both games are from Korea and ROSE is actually developed by the same company that did Ragnorak Online. Ok, so it’s different from R.O. but I never got into R.O. Although, now I hear my younger cousins getting into Maple Story or GunBound.