: : Throwing away inches : :

Ohhh….I love the measuring tape today.

I’ve shrunk down since the last week I measured myself :

Bust : zilch, nada, nothing. Urgh.
Waist : 1 inch!
Hips : 1.5 inches!
Thighs : 2 inches!
Updates! Weight loss : ~4 pounds!

Phew! For a moment there, I thought I wouldn’t be shrinking. Have to get my supervisor to give me my measurements that she measured during the first week.

This is the 3rd week into Wena’s 2006 Project of Losing Weight. It isn’t going to end until Christmas, I think. That’s how much I have to lose.

Have I cheated? Oh yes. Dinner at Bla Bla Bla on Thursday and 1/8 slice of a pizza yesterday.