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My bookshelf

For 2009, I read a lot of books on getting my health together and learning more about high blood pressure as well as lifestyle effects on it.

So this is what is in my bookshelf. It’s not a lot of books listed as some are locally printed books from Malaysia.


In any case, do enjoy perusing it. 🙂 There is also a link to this store on the sidebar to the right. Just scroll down a wee bit and you should find it.

Healing isn’t easy and takes time

If I knew a year ago what I knew today, I wouldn’t be in the situation where I had to do a lot of healing and confrontation. But as with all things positive, one should be determine enough to take one step forward.

So that’s where I find myself today. It’s a pretty scary though and yet at the same time, releasing. I never would have imagine I would be a person who would have knowingly trapped myself in my mind of problems and letting it plague me to the point where it took control of my life.

Now it’s getting better and each day, it’s a step at a time. Painful? Of course. Rewarding? You bet. Happy? That’s the final goal and outcome. And truly, I can say that I am probably at the happiest time of my life at the moment. 🙂

There is something to be said about making oneself bigger than the problems one faces to get over it. Don’t get caught in the mire of those pesky negative thoughts and just move on.

Sorting out a rojak tree

Just the initial family tree and already the Kelabit side is nearly 100 people. The Chinese side was 42 so not too bad. But combined, my wedding will need 2 restaurants!

Headache… good thing still single at the moment. Although when Tepu ask whether I had any “kawan laki”, it didn’t click until 10 min later what she meant. Adoi…

Novelty Flower Salad

Salad : Novelty Flower Salad

I saw some edible flowers in a pack at Cold Storage, Green Heights Mall, Kuching, Sarawak. So bought a pack and made a salad. This is what’s inside that salad. Certainly tasted better than what I had expected although hopefully the flowers are ok to be eaten. These flowers are grown in Genting and surprisingly, came out tasting really well. The only flowers that I recognized were pansies and chrysanthemums. The problem with flowers in salad is that they should be added in last as the petals started peeling off after mixing. Found that out the hard way.

-pickled pear/mango? Not sure. Stole it from my Uncle’s stash in the fridge
-edible flowers that included pansies, posies and chrysanthemum
-Lemon juice
-Nutmeg powder (seems to make a lot of difference)