Healing isn’t easy and takes time

If I knew a year ago what I knew today, I wouldn’t be in the situation where I had to do a lot of healing and confrontation. But as with all things positive, one should be determine enough to take one step forward.

So that’s where I find myself today. It’s a pretty scary though and yet at the same time, releasing. I never would have imagine I would be a person who would have knowingly trapped myself in my mind of problems and letting it plague me to the point where it took control of my life.

Now it’s getting better and each day, it’s a step at a time. Painful? Of course. Rewarding? You bet. Happy? That’s the final goal and outcome. And truly, I can say that I am probably at the happiest time of my life at the moment. 🙂

There is something to be said about making oneself bigger than the problems one faces to get over it. Don’t get caught in the mire of those pesky negative thoughts and just move on.

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