: : Encik Johan : :

It’s a sad day when one hears of a fellow blogger has recently passed away. I read the news online today at around lunchtime via Alex’s blog through PPS.

Johan Ismail of Joe-Blogs fame has recently passed away last night. For those who did not have a chance to read his blog, he writes on many issues, be it politics, society or just plain fun. Although I did not have the privilege of meething this man, one can get a glimpse of his character via his writing. He is witty, outspoken and at the same time humourous, kind and generous. And yes, I heard from one of his collegues that he does read this blog.

All around the Malaysian blogosphere, everyone is feeling the loss and I’m sure his readers do feel it as well. This blog follower certainly feels it. His blog has been taken down but it might be up again later in his memory although yet to be confirmed.

My sympathy goes out to his family and close friends. It is a hard time to go through for any death of a family member or close companion is really hard and tough. His body is gone but his memory and legacy lives on.

Out of respect for this amazing man, I will not be updating mum-mum today. A bit late I know but then again, better late than never.

He was a golden font

that freely poured

What goldenly endures,

And though that font be gone,

its bounty stored

and treasured,

Still is yours.

Arthur Guiterman

Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in CyberSpace

Joe, it was a pleasure to have known you via your blog. You will be missed by many people, including myself.

May you rest in peace.