Nasi Ulam Revisited

It’s nice to have a revisit of the Nasi Ulam that Granny made for me awhile back.

A new ingredient we added in was the bunga kantan or rather, torch ginger, to give it a different taste. Also, this time, instead of salted fish, she added in dried prawn.

Herbs for Nasi Ulam

The herbs as well as the torch ginger (in pink) / bunga kantan on the upper left of the picture.

Continue reading Nasi Ulam Revisited

New blog

I still haven’t decided what I want to do with this blog yet but have started another blog about Sarawak known as “Sarawak, Ah…”.

URL is at

The blog will be an experiment of sorts, just to see how long I can keep on writing about thoughts in Sarawak. So we’ll see how long it will last then. ๐Ÿ™‚

Postnote : 12 July 2010 – I decided to get my own site and it’s now at . Sarawak, Ah! may be closed one day.

Postnote : 8 April 2012 – I moved on to yet another website although this one is closer to my heart. It’s called Stronger Fitter Better ( The other two websites mentioned will be removed.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.