: : Potstickers : :

Digging through my picture gallery, I found this picture of pot stickers. Think it was taken at the last Mooncake Festival held a few months ago.

I like these. The filling was pork meat with chopped mangkuang and onions. Plus, it was spicy so went well for me and Granny.

You can order these potstickers from a little quaint tea shop called Life Cafe along Carpenter Street. The degree of spicyness can also be chosen. There are 5 different categories and I usually order spicyness no. 3. That’s enough for me. They use chilli oil to make it hot. Wooo!

: : 2004 Food Blog ~ Theme (Nomination) : :

For a blog that suddenly turn half-baked some time this year, I got nominated into a food award session. Wow! Thanks to whoever that nominated me. Many thanks to Kate for organizing the awards. Woohoo!

The 2004 Food Blog Awards is organized by Kate of Accidental Hedonist. Do stop by to check out the various awards in the category and if you so feel inclined, do vote for little ol’ me. Then again, I’m not hoping much because it’s been a really really quiet year for me this year in terms of food blogging.

And no, it’s not because I’ve ran out of pictures. I’ve still have about 100+ pictures sitting in my PC. Must clear it up.

Ok, must blog tonite. Must make effort to blog tonite. And a long posting too. Hee hee…

Can’t wait until it’s time to fly back to home. Spending a week in Miri so not blogging much. Then again, what else is new? hee hee…

Anyway, Merry Xmas to all.

: : 2004 Food Blog ~ Theme (Nomination) : :

For a blog that suddenly turn half-baked some time this year, I got nominated into a food award session. Wow! Thanks to whoever that nominated me. Many thanks to Kate for organizing the awards. Woohoo!

The 2004 Food Blog Awards is organized by Kate of Accidental Hedonist. Do stop by to check out the various awards in the category and if you so feel inclined, do vote for little ol’ me. Then again, I’m not hoping much because it’s been a really really quiet year for me this year in terms of food blogging.

And no, it’s not because I’ve ran out of pictures. I’ve still have about 100+ pictures sitting in my PC. Must clear it up.

Ok, must blog tonite. Must make effort to blog tonite. And a long posting too. Hee hee…

Can’t wait until it’s time to fly back to home. Spending a week in Miri so not blogging much. Then again, what else is new? hee hee…

Anyway, Merry Xmas to all.