: : Dropping in for Dinner : :

On 24 Dec 2004, I was literally dropping in for dinner, so to speak. Rather, I was flying in for dinner. My cousin-in-law, Kula, picked me up at the airport with his son and we rush back home to everyone getting things ready.

It was a potluck Christmas dinner with almost everyone contributing something. Well, except me. Flew in from Kuching without any food items. Did bring presents though.

Anyway, instead of a tablecloth, Sina’ laid huge banana leaves everywhere. Think this was the leftover leaves from the Nubat Layak. The leaves created a great contrast. As for the candles, they played a duo role in this dinner. Not only do they serve as great decorations but they also act as a fly deterrant. Flies seem to avoid candles so it’s pretty common to see one or two more candles lit at food places which is open-air i.e. not enclosed but expose to the outside. Also, in the corner, was a Christmas bunch of roses from my sis and her hubby in the USA.

Will post up the dinner spread over the next few days.

Hi Dad! 🙂 He’s doing the honours on the roast ham. And, the electric knife is one useful device when it comes to slicing a huge portion of meat. You know, avoiding muscle aches and all. He was cutting the ham and the turkey as well.

4 thoughts on “”

  1. Oi, nice spread. I’ll look forward to some of that good cooking when we come this summer.

  2. Oi, nice spread. I’ll look forward to some of that good cooking when we come this summer.

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