: : Let’s goto Texas! : :

When in Texas, eat this! BBQ spare ribs! Now I know the secret! It’s using dark beer as part of the marinade ingredient. Having said that, since we could not find any dark beer, we decided to use Guiness Stout instead. And it work! Gosh, did it ever work! I owe it all to Gwen for telling me how it’s done.

Gwen : My butcher in Taman Tun is hilarious! He only let me buy 10 pieces of spare ribs. Why? Said that the rest were poor quality and not good. Haha!

Now, Yce was asking me how I took such good pictures. I don’t. It’s a lot of editing, editing, editing. Here’s an example :

This is the original photo. What I did was to crop it until the subject matter filled the entire picture. In this case, it’s my nephew Tidan hard at work in the kitchen. After cropping it, I adjusted the brightness and contrast. Also, having taken a big picture of him, I sharpen the picture. After that, it was resizing the photo to fit the blog.

Voila! It’s done. Looks good no?

: : IMBB No. 8 : :

I haven’t been taking part on the last 2 IMBBs. Put it down to FORGETTING to check other people’s blog to find out. Doh!

Anyway, the latest one is No. 8 : Lift your Spirits High! The hostess this time is Donna Marie Zotter of There’s a Chef in my Kitchen. I think I know what to do.

Hmmm…another thing that we should do is really start a mailing list to notify folks of the next IMBB. Digging through a lot of blogs is not exactly easy.

: : Shiok Food : :

Cleaning up my mailbox today, I found a letter from Madhu Menon and his restaurant called Shiok ~ Far Eastern Cuisine. Went to the site and found more interesting reads. I love the dishes with the logo on them. Pity that it’s in Singapore. Darn! Not much food choices in Kuching, irregardless of my postings.

Then again, I live with Granny. Nuff said.

Anyway, do visit the site and if you end up there because of reading this, please say hi to the chef for me. Cheerio!

: : Pizza, a Square Meal : :

Yep, it had everything in it : greenies, meat and carbo. My sister-cousin Gwen made it for me and her sons during my recent trip to KL. It was done in a jiffy and I forgot to get the pizza bread-base recipe from her. What she did was bake the base in the oven for awhile until it’s crispy.

Once the bread base was done, she added in a layer of tomato puree on top and started putting it layers of sausages, pepperoni and green capsicum. For the sausage, we used the ever popular Ayamas sausage that had cheese inside them. Yummy!

Now we musn’t forget the cheese no? Sprinkled liberally, it was enough to make our mouth water.

Ah! The final meal. Not bad eh? It was very very nice and between the 4 of us, we finished the whole lot!

On top of that, we also had BBQ ribs but that’s something for tomorrow!