: : Secret to Sarawak Kolo-Mee ~ ERRATA : :

sniffles: oi

Wena: hi!

sniffles: 🙂

sniffles: you lied one lerrr you said onion oil and then you posted garlic oil 😀

Wena: hahahahahahahhahahahahahhah

Wena: i took granny’s word

Wena: but come to think about it

Wena: u’re rite

Wena: hehehehehhe

sniffles: i don’t know, it’s been too long since i had kolo mee

sniffles: 🙂

sniffles: i can try both

Wena: LOL

Wena: actually

sniffles: and see how they turn out

Wena: it is onion

Wena: not garlic

sniffles: sure?

Wena: yeap

Wena: use the purple onions

Gosh, I’m so sorry. Totally mixed up the garlic oil and the onion oil. Use ONION OIL for Kolo Mee.

Then again, lemme know if the garlic oil works. hee hee…

Here is a video of Granny making the garlic oil. Note that it’s a hefty 32 MB as I pasted all the clips together.