: : Sunflower Deli : :

Someone ask me about a few months back for pictures of bakery goods. Was it ruach? Or someone else? Anyway, can’t remember but managed to take pics yesterday when I went to get some lunch.

Sunflower Deli is one of the more popular bakeries around in Kuching. Famous for it’s scones and interesting baking goods, it’s visited by young and old. I went to the Tabuan Laru branch as it was nearer to my house. Anyway, the pictures speak for themselves.

Some of the fare found there. There were a lot more but was too hungry and wanted to just get some stuff to go.

Once back home, I found out that Granny also bought some stuff from there. Her driver? The pipeman lah! With his rickety old van. Luckily, they didn’t go very far so it wasn’t too bad. Anyway, she bought a chicken roll from the cashier counter (where all the new baking stuff were displayed). Had that for lunch instead. The other stuff I bought went to pipeman and his men for their tea-time snack. 🙂

Phew! Tired now. Came back from a wedding dinner. Pics will be up later. Perhaps some amusing videos as well. No pics of Wena though. :p Anyway, have to snooze as need to wake up early to send Min Yen to the airport in the wee hours of the morning. 🙂

: : Trip to the USA : :

Yay! Got my passport today from Garnet and Jack. They took it back from KL for me. Woohoo! And I got a decent period on it too!

Things to do before going :

Check with boss if can go on leave for 2 weeks. DONE

Confirm ticket to go. DONE

Confirm accomodation in KL over weekend. DONE. Yes, I’m there again. And hopefully this time I do not do something stupid like deleting pictures AGAIN!

Packing. Gulp!

Get food stuff for sister. Especially LAKSA! Will try to sneak Granny’s sambal over as well.

Get food recipes from Gwen, Auntie Maria and Sina’!!

Buy sarongs for Auntie Sandie.

Oi! Woman! Anything else I missed out?

The worst part of the trip is that I’m going to be arriving in Kuching on Christmas Day, totally zonked out and have to go and attend a wedding on 26 December. Aiyo!

: : Trip to the USA : :

Yay! Got my passport today from Garnet and Jack. They took it back from KL for me. Woohoo! And I got a decent period on it too!

Things to do before going :

Check with boss if can go on leave for 2 weeks. DONE

Confirm ticket to go. DONE

Confirm accomodation in KL over weekend. DONE. Yes, I’m there again. And hopefully this time I do not do something stupid like deleting pictures AGAIN!

Packing. Gulp!

Get food stuff for sister. Especially LAKSA! Will try to sneak Granny’s sambal over as well.

Get food recipes from Gwen, Auntie Maria and Sina’!!

Buy sarongs for Auntie Sandie.

Oi! Woman! Anything else I missed out?

The worst part of the trip is that I’m going to be arriving in Kuching on Christmas Day, totally zonked out and have to go and attend a wedding on 26 December. Aiyo!

: : Local Fruits : :

Exam is over and I was hanging out at cousin Jack and Garnet’s house. The Wrights pop by after their stay at one of the hotels in town so I got reacquainted with my niece, Abat and nephew, Theo. They love playing with my camera.

It was hard to take a picture with a wriggling little gal whereby I had to make sure she doesn’t fall down and take the picture at the same time.

Theo : Hey! Let’s make a movie! Like the hamsters!

Abat : YES YES YES!!

So, my camera was hi-jack for the amusement of two kiddies for a small movie of a talking rambutan skin (6.6 MB). Point mouse on link, right click, ‘Save Target As..’ and save it into your HDD for viewing. Devong, we’re waiting for you to come back. In fact, Abat is waiting anxiously for your return. 🙂

This is tampoi and it’s an interesting fruit. Why? Because if you eat too much of it, you’ll end up drunk. SERIOUSLY. The inner flesh sort of looks like mangosteen except that it’s yellow in colour. Got the shock of my life when Garnet and Sina’ Tun mentioned this. Somehow, the fruit naturally ferments itself inside one’s stomach. Urgh! I do not even want to go there.

Mrs. Wright : If I want to know what you and Jas are up to, I just go online and check out your blogs.

Hmm… dangerous now to blog too much about my life. The whole family is reading my blog. YIKES!

: : A good morning laff : :

Woke up early today to go and sit for an exam later on in the morning. Reading theStar Online as it’s still hard to get the newspaper in Kuching (limited copied available and it gets snapped up within 2 hours! grrr…). Laffing quite a bit here after reading the articles.

Nitemares after eating food. Wonder if anyone else had that experience? I’m thankful I do not suffer from that malady.

Airing the wine seems to be a good way to make wine tastes better but no pictures of those special decanters even though it’s mentioned. Someone is definitely not awake this morning. Too much aerated wine perhaps? :p

And the attitudes of the villagers and relatives made me so mad! It’s hard, I know, but did they have to alienate the family? All the family wanted was acceptance and normality. Sigh. But, it’s good to know that they are people who are still trying to live normal lives even with AIDS.

: : A good morning laff : :

Woke up early today to go and sit for an exam later on in the morning. Reading theStar Online as it’s still hard to get the newspaper in Kuching (limited copied available and it gets snapped up within 2 hours! grrr…). Laffing quite a bit here after reading the articles.

Nitemares after eating food. Wonder if anyone else had that experience? I’m thankful I do not suffer from that malady.

Airing the wine seems to be a good way to make wine tastes better but no pictures of those special decanters even though it’s mentioned. Someone is definitely not awake this morning. Too much aerated wine perhaps? :p

And the attitudes of the villagers and relatives made me so mad! It’s hard, I know, but did they have to alienate the family? All the family wanted was acceptance and normality. Sigh. But, it’s good to know that they are people who are still trying to live normal lives even with AIDS.