Saturday, July 05, 2003


Was surfing and reading the net here and there. Pop by LT Smash to see if there was something funny for the day in the desert or something thought-provoking. Got neither : he was taking the day off! Don't blame him as it is America's Independance Day. However, he did point a very good website to read.

I'm always amazed at the way Americans think and how patriotic they are. There are many websites and blogs on their views and opinions. Some I agree with, some I don't. It is still makes up interesting reading, if only to pass time and also find out what other people think.

I think I'd better stop now before saying too much. Going off to play Blix now!
Liberated at 12:08 PM match...

Sure was funny watching a friendly match between two sections : Lightning vs Gears. Exciting, yes. The two people who stood out was the player with the whitest pair of legs I've ever seen and the referee. The referee was running more than some of the players!

Now, have to prepare my team to go against one of them. We'll see what happens. Viva la football!
Liberated at 12:01 AM

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

...speedy gonzales...

: : race of speedy connection : :

home player (moi)
256 MB PC running on Windows XP
Pentium 4, 1.8 GHz
20 GB HDD, 10 GB freespace

contender (DELL)
256 MB PC running on Windows XP
Pentium 4, 2.25 GHz
40 GB HDD, 24 GB freespace

and the winner is.....


... surprising, isn't it? never ever buy a dell. lots of icons missing from desktop. for shame ...

Liberated at 7:37 PM

Tuesday, July 01, 2003


Was re-reading the joke about the diver.

Amazing that people do not realise that all they need to do to neutralize a jellyfish sting is to pee on it or just use plain vinegar. Ha!
Liberated at 10:45 PM

Monday, June 30, 2003

...^ _ ^ Part two...

Further to the late night. Drove from Poh Kong Park, Green Road to Jalan Kedandi, Tabuan Jaya in 10 min last night. No cars on the road. And, this was with me stopping at every traffic light. Love driving at night. No traffic.
Liberated at 10:25 PM

...^ _ ^ ...

Bad day
'Rowena, came back late last night?'

Good day
'Must be pretty late as you look slimmer.'

Amazing that the human body reduces it's weight when there is a lack of sleep.

Liberated at 10:20 PM

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